DTLR - The Lifestyle 2024-09-19T13:16:18-04:00 DTLR 2020-12-30T00:00:00-05:00 2022-10-11T14:16:39-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Armani White Chris Cao

Everyone has that certain something inside that keeps them going. Now more than ever it’s important to not lose focus on the things that make you who you are. The idea to “Just Do It.” is a powerful one that can lead to greatness. Join us as we share the stories of unique individuals within our communities and what drives them to succeed for not just themselves, but the people around them.

Who are you and how did you get started in music?

I’m Armani White, I grew up in a musical family, all of my uncles and grandfathers played instruments. I always wanted to pick up an instrument but never got around to it. I sort of picked up rap as a hobby at first but then I saw the artistic side of it and then started focusing more on it to amplify my voice.

Any upcoming projects?

Nothing too specific, I’m tying up a capsule that narrates everything I’ve gone through personally through the pandemic. Right now we’re wrapping up a few records and just focusing on dropping more new music. It’s the first time I’ve been home for this long of a period so I’m just trying to create as much as I can.

What’s keeping you motivated right now?

Definitely the creative process, having the time to make as much as I want to make with no pressure. When the world is open you feel like you’re racing, when the world is still you feel a lot more freedom. It feels more liberating to create during these times.

What have you been doing during the Pandemic?

Stocking up content has been key during the pandemic. Focusing on direct to consumer strategies. I started selling so much merch at the beginning of the pandemic selling and shipping out all product myself to my fans and supporters.

Any words of advice to people in your community?

Be colorful, take your pain and throw it at the wall. If it’s a big ball of red watch a rainbow come out. Take the pain and trauma you’ve had, throw it at the wall and watch something beautiful come out of it. Be colorful.

]]> 2020-12-15T00:00:00-05:00 2022-10-11T14:16:34-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Morgan Smith Chris Cao

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Mo, I'm 30 years old and I'm a photographer and curator from Philly! I shoot anything from concerts to weddings to portraits to nightlife to BTS photos for films & music videos. I like to mix it up but I definitely focus on portrait photography.

Describe a normal “Day in the Life” for you currently?

So I just got back from shooting still photography for M. Night Shyamalan's next film in the Domican Republic! It was an amazing experience but also a lot of work so with all the covid craziness here, I've had a lot of down time since getting back. It's easy to want to jump right into the next thing, but I'm making myself relax for the time being. I've been spending most of my days planning future projects and getting ready for 2021.

Could you name the one personal trait or aspect of your life that keeps you going everyday?

I think what really keeps me going is my intense fear of not living up to my potential. There's really nothing worse than wasted potential to me. I spend a lot of time getting in my head and psyching myself out so I just gotta remind myself every day that I'm in control of where my life and career go and if I keep putting in the work, I'll end up where I'm supposed to!

Are you currently working on any projects?

I'm definitely trying to take advantage of all this lockdown time and start planning the next Time To Pretend, which is an all women's art show that I host and curate biannually! Our 7th show was supposed to be this past March, but it had to be postponed so I'm definitely trying to make this next show the biggest one yet! Every show has 10-16 female artists from the Philly area as well as 20+ female owned small business vendors so it's just an awesome opportunity to empower women and give female artists a platform to share their work with the city.

If you could pass on any advice or words of inspiration to your community, what would it be?

Do you. We spend so much time on social media comparing our work and our careers and our lives to everyone else's and it's such a waste of time. Social media is fake, everyone is just flexin for the gram and honestly, at the end of the day, we're all on our own journeys anyway! There's no point in worrying about what everyone is doing, so focus on your craft and just do you!

]]> 2020-11-18T00:00:00-05:00 2022-10-11T14:16:27-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Winston Robinson Chris Cao

Who are you and how did you get started playing basketball?

I am Winston Robinson and I got started playing basketball by watching my older Brothers around the age 4-5. Growing up in the inner city of Philadelphia it was one of the only outlets. It's lead me to travel the world and meet others that share the same ideas and passions.

What has basketball done for you mentally?

Basketball saved my life by changing my mental fortitude. It made me optimistic but also confident. It installed perseverance but also a mental safe haven, an outlet from my toxic environment.

What keeps you motivated?

My spiritual attachment to god, My friends and family. My competitive nature to be better than who I was yesterday.

Any message people in your community during this time?

A message to my community during these times would be to stay together because we need each other more than ever. To keep in mind that we are all in it together and to push each other for better, like teammates and not as enemies. Love each other and invest in the youth so they are more knowledgeable and to avoid the mistakes we’ve made.

]]> 2020-11-08T00:00:00-05:00 2022-10-11T14:15:42-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Gregory Coachman DTLR Team

Everyone has that certain something inside that keeps them going. Now more than ever it’s important to not lose focus on the things that make you who you are. The idea to "Just Do It." is a powerful one that can lead to greatness. Join us as we share the stories of unique individuals within our communities and what drives them to succeed for not just themselves, but the people around them. This is Gregory Coachman's Daily Drive.

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Gregory Coachman. I am the owner of Urban Recreation, a real estate investment and lifestyle brand, as well as a fitness professional.

Describe a normal “Day in the Life” for you currently?

I start my day with breakfast with my girlfriend, then jog or some sort of other exercising to get my body and mind working. Afterward, I may meet with a few clients. Later in the day, I will usually see some friends or have phone discussions about what we all are processing and experiencing in our lives. That usually leads me to sit with a cup of coffee while I work on whatever ideas I've been thinking of. I try not to allow a day to pass without researching something related to my dreams, even if it's just a google search. My nights end pretty early with me eating dinner with my girl and conversations about today and tomorrow.

Could you name the one personal trait or aspect of your life that keeps you going every day?

Resilience. Throughout my life, I've usually outlasted and out hustled others.

Are you currently working on any projects?

Currently, I'm really focusing on Urban Recreation. I am developing products I personally love and enjoy, whether it be a t-shirt, sweatsuit, even accessories, and houseware. Urban Recreation will always be a real estate company at its core but encompasses much more. A cafe housing all my products is the end goal. I also just recently began a new real estate company with friends, Walls & Bridges, and we closed our first deal in Chicago this week.

If you could pass on any advice or words of inspiration to your community, what would it be?

My advice is to don't allow others' limitations to become yours. Your dreams and goals belong to you. It's not up to anyone else to tell you whether they're achievable or if you're capable or not. There will always be whispers of doubt, but you silence those whispers with consistency and drive.

Shop the latest styles of footwear and apparel from Nike at all DTLR locations and online at

]]> 2020-10-20T00:00:00-04:00 2022-10-11T14:16:11-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Black_Soap Chris Cao

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Raheim and I’m a visual artist. Meaning, I try to create imagery that will evoke emotions.

Describe a normal “Day in the Life” for you currently?

Since Covid, I wouldn’t say anything is normal right now. Haha. But everyday I wake up, get breakfast started for my wife and daughter. We’re home schooling right now, so I help her get prepared every morning. Helping her with homework at the end of her day. Start the preparations for dinner and ideally head out to link a friend or to go and make images. Come home and do a varied version of that the next day.

Are you currently working on any projects?

Currently I’m working on a couple of projects. I have some Merch and brand stuff coming out. Working on finishing my web site. And of course a bunch of concept work.

If you could pass on any advice or words of inspiration to your community, what would it be?

I would tell my community to always think big and dream big. Think more of yourself. Don’t be afraid to fail. Get up and keep going. Hard work is always reciprocated over time. You can do anything you want as long as you are true to yourself.

]]> 2020-09-22T00:00:00-04:00 2022-10-11T14:16:02-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Aaron Heard Chris Cao

Everyone has that certain something inside that keeps them going. Now more than ever it’s important to not lose focus on the things that make you who you are. The idea to “Just Do It.” is a powerful one that can lead to greatness. Join us as we share the stories of unique individuals within our communities and what drives them to succeed for not just themselves, but the people around them. This is Aaron Heard’s Daily Drive.

How did you get started in music?

High school is when I really fell into heavy metal. I would get introduced to random bands while hanging with people at the skatepark. The vocal techniques really piqued my interest as a soft-spoken kid. From that point on I just practiced every day until my voice got stronger. Fronted a couple different bands over the years and now here I am.

What are you currently working on?

Nothing has a record coming out soon. Jesus Piece is writing a record at the moment. I’ve also been developing a video game on my free time.

What keeps me motivated every day?

My biggest motivation is my son Leo. Everything I do now is to build a better life for him.

How do you deal with stress?

Music is always my go-to. It allows me to take a huge step back from reality and see things clearly. And if that doesn’t work then I hit the streets on the board. Try to skate as fast as I can through the neighborhood.

Any advice you want to give to your audience?

Don’t let anyone tell you what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. Don’t box yourself in. Don’t submit to social norms to appease others. Be true to yourself.

Shop the latest styles of footwear and apparel from NIKE at all DTLR locations and online at

]]> 2020-08-25T00:00:00-04:00 2022-10-11T14:15:52-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Just Frenchie DTLR Team

Everyone has that certain something inside that keeps them going. Now more than ever it’s important to not lose focus on the things that make you who you are. The idea to "Just Do It." is a powerful one that can lead to greatness. Join us as we share the stories of unique individuals within our communities and what drives them to succeed for not just themselves, but the people around them. This is Just Frenchie's Daily Drive.

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Just Frenchie and I’m an entertainer. I write and perform music, dance, and love directing. I honestly do a lot and would have to write a paragraph trying to explain but I’ll just say I’m a creative.

Describe a normal “day in the life” for you currently?

A normal “day in the life” for me right now is being busy, and not having too much time to relax. I’ve been working on a lot lately (can’t tell y’all yet) so all of my time has been dedicated to all of my current projects.

What projects have you been working on?

I can’t say too much because I don’t want to ruin the element of surprise, but I will say new music is on the way so stay tuned!

If there was anyone you could collaborate with who would it be and why?

That's a tough question to answer because there are so many people that I would like to collaborate with. I would love to collaborate with Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott, Megan thee Stallion, Brandy, Alicia Keys, Drake, and the list goes on. My top 3 would be Brandy, Drake, and Travis.

If you could pass on any advice or words of inspiration to your community, what would it be?

Advice and words of inspiration that I would like to pass to my community are; Be confident, resilient, and hardworking. Don’t ever give up nor doubt yourself. Know that you are important and make sure that you’re standing up for what’s right!

Shop the latest styles of footwear and apparel from Nike at all DTLR locations and online at

]]> 2020-08-09T00:00:00-04:00 2022-10-11T14:15:56-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Steve Sweatpants Chris Cao

Everyone has that certain something inside that keeps them going. Now more than ever it’s important to not lose focus on the things that make you who you are. The idea to “Just Do It.” is a powerful one that can lead to greatness. Join us as we share the stories of unique individuals within our communities and what drives them to succeed for not just themselves, but the people around them. This is Steve Sweatpants’ Daily Drive.

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Steven John Irby aka @stevesweatpants, co-founder/director of Street Dreams Magazine. Full-time photographer, born in Brooklyn, raised in Queens to be exact. Every day in my life revolves around Photography, Art, Music, Why the Knicks Suck, and Sneaker Culture.

Describe a normal “Day in the Life” for you currently?

Nothing is normal right now, I’m trying to really download as much information as I can. I’ve been obsessed with the idea of ‘simplicity’ on how to use my voice the right way. Whether it’s online, talking to the community, to communicate the right message on my platform.

Could you name the one personal trait or aspect of your life that keeps you going every day?

I’m a naturally competitive person. I get a lot of that from my pops. One of the strongest and competitive men in my life. Meant everything to me, a black man who was his own boss was a strong role model for me. Honestly, that keeps me going every day.

Are you currently working on any projects?

There’s definitely a lot of projects I’m working on right now. This whole year I’ve been working on releasing a 3 book series called ‘How you holdin up.’ The first book is about the effect of the Corona Virus and what’re humanities take on it. A photo essay with about 40 photographers included. A book to tell a visual essay of the times but also a real mental check of how people are doing.

Issue 16 of Street Dreams, which we’ve been working real hard at, is releasing this fall as well.

If you could pass on any advice or words of inspiration to your community, what would it be?

The piece of advice I have during this time is, “Don’t be a follower.” Sounds cliche, but this is the day and age to be very selected with the type of information you’re getting and where you’re getting it.

Shop the latest styles of footwear and apparel from Nike at all DTLR locations and online at

Photography: Luis Ledesma

]]> 2020-06-10T00:00:00-04:00 2022-10-11T14:16:09-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Tiara LaNiece Chris Cao

Who are you and what do you do?

Who me? I’m Tiara LaNiece. I consider myself a model, host, radio personality, DJ, and an all-around artist.

What projects are you currently working on?

I am currently the host/DJ of "Pretty Girl Radio" on DTLR Radio from 10AM to 1PM, Monday through Saturday.

What keeps you motivated?

My daughter keeps me motivated. I believe that my hard work provides her with a better life than I ever had. That, alone, is enough motivation for me.

What inspires your style?

My style has always been dependent on my mood. Considering on how I feel at the moment and the music I’m listening to at the time usually sets the tone for my attire.

Any messages you would like to say to your supporters?

My message will always be one that has stuck with me for a while now. "If you run from the work, you might as well hide from the money.” In other words: "DO THE WORK because there are no short cuts!"

]]> 2020-04-11T00:00:00-04:00 2022-10-11T14:16:19-04:00 Nike Daily Drive: Tim Huff Chris Cao

Who are you and how did you get started?

My name is Tim Huff, or Huff for short, and I'm the Creative Director at REC Philly.

I got started as a public relations intern for Broad Street Music Group (which would later evolve into REC.) From there i've been Social Media Director, Content Director & now sit as Creative Director.

I always found peace in getting lost in music, film, style & design and those early interests have helped shape my eye & taste creatively.

What are the best / most challenging parts of being a creative director?

Oddly enough I think the best & most challenging parts of being a Creative Director are the same thing, both the freedom and the responsibility that comes with the position. Being the head of a creative team has always been a dream of mine and having the opportunity to bring your ideas to life for a brand you love is a feeling that's hard to match. But on the flip side knowing that you're responsible for the ideation, executing & results of those ideas can paralyze you if you let it.

What’s keeping you motivate during these times?

The idea that I can be the inspiration for someone coming up, that I couldn't find when I was younger.

How do you deal with stress/anxiety?


With digital taking up most of our lives. I tend to find my most peaceful & relaxing state when I'm not in front of a screen or easily accessible.

I love to get away whether that's riding my bike with only my iPod on me. Digging through magazines for inspo, listening to my record collection or just being outside.

Any message for young creatives?

Lean into what you like and support your other creative friends.

It may not seem like the biggest thing, but support in the creative industry goes A LONG WAY.

Also knowing what you like and what you're into is more important than you think. As you get older people stop making decisions on what they like and start going with what is popular. Don't be that person. Define your own style & develop your own taste.
